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- This is CanonDisk V3.98b for Canon BJ and BJC printers
- ====================
- Copyright ©1991-97 Wolf Faust. All rights reserved. All
- distribution- and marketing rights to the software (drivers) are
- vested in Canon Europe N.V. The driver disk has been provided to
- you strictly 'as is', without warranty of any kind. In no event
- shall Canon and/or Faust be held liable for any loss or damages
- arising out of any action, from whatever source, concerning the
- use or inability to use the driver. You may not use, copy, or
- transfer the product, or any copy or portion, without prior
- consent in writing from Canon Europe N.V. or Wolf Faust.
- Installer and Installer project icon (c) Copyright 1991-93
- Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced and
- distributed under license from Commodore. More (c) Copyright
- 1986-93 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced
- and distributed under license from Commodore.
- --------------------
- CanonDisk is divided into two independent parts. During
- installation a user can choose just the required part, or both
- parts.
- Canon Driver
- The Canon drivers are supplements to the Commodore supplied
- printer drivers. They are 100 percent Amiga compatible printer
- drivers, even though they offer many more functions than the
- standard printer drivers. The additional functions of the drivers
- are controlled by the preferences program included with CanonDisk.
- CanonStudio Program
- The purpose of the CanonStudio program is to print graphics. The
- disk only contains a very limited version of CanonStudio. To say
- it clear: the Canon Workbench drivers are fully functional and
- not limited in any way. Only the CanonStudio printing program has
- to be registered if wanted. See below on how to get the full
- version of CanonStudio if wanted. Pictures are printed by
- CanonStudio directly from disk without the need for much memory.
- For instance you can print a huge 10 MBytes picture on an Amiga
- that is equipped with only 1 MBytes of memory.
- If you have a colour printer you can print with 24 bitplanes of
- colour accuracy (16.7 million colours). If you have a monochrome
- printer you can print with 8 bitplanes of greyscale accuracy (256
- greys). If you were not using CanonStudio's printing
- capabilities, the Amiga's own colour printing capacity is 12
- bitplanes for colour (4096 colours), and 4 bitplanes for
- greyscales (16 greys). Printing pictures through CanonStudio does
- therefore give a user greater precision.
- The CanonStudio picture-printing program works with every Amiga
- printer driver but this version is limited to just the Canon
- Workbench drivers. If you require a Version that supports all
- drivers purchase the ``Studio Printer Software'' package from your
- dealer.
- The programs and drivers are described in detail later. Start the
- installation by double-clicking with the mouse button on the
- Install icon, found in the main drawer of the CanonDisk.
- Follow the instructions below to install the Canon software:
- * Configure and connect your printer as described in the printer's
- user manual and the Amiga system manual.
- * Set your printers dip switches as described in the table below:
- Printer Switch OFF Switch ON
- BJ 10e 3, 6, 7, 9 5, 8, 10
- BJ 20 all except -> 5, 10, 11
- BJ 30 Set the printer to Epson Emulation
- BJ 200 all except -> 1, 4, 10, 11
- BJ 200ex all except -> 1, 3, 4
- BJ 300 all except -> SW1-1 and SW1-2
- BJC 70 Set the printer to Epson Emulation
- BJC 150 Use the installed SetupBJL-BJC1xx program.
- BJC 210,240,250
- Use the installed SetupBJL-BJC2xx program.
- Perform the "Setup for Amiga" action.
- BJC 600 all except -> 1, 4, 12
- BJC 600e all except -> 1, 11
- BJC 610 all except -> 1, 3, 11
- BJC 620 (please see printer documentation)
- BJC 4000 all except -> 1, 4, 11, 12
- BJC 80, 4100, 4200, 4300, 4550, 4650
- Use the installed SetupBJL-BJC4xxx program.
- Perform the "Setup for Amiga" action.
- Please note these settings reflect those of DIN A4 paper size
- users. US Letter paper users require a slightly different setting.
- * Boot your Amiga with your usual system or Workbench disk.
- * If you don't own a hard drive, prepare an empty floppy disk by
- using the system Format command.
- * We anticipate that most Canon users will want to install the
- program on to a hard drive. If you do not have a hard drive then
- you must install some parts (documentation and CanonPref) of
- CanonDisk onto an empty floppy, using the supplied installation
- program. You cannot run the Canon software directly from its
- installation disk because it is stored in a compressed format.
- * If your system has only a single floppy drive (and no hard
- drive), the installation program will cause a large number of disk
- swaps while it gets things prepared for the main installation.
- * Double click on the Install icon found in the main drawer of the
- CanonDisk. The installation process is automatic and uses the
- Commodore standard Installer program. The installation process
- has been designed to provide on-line instructions as you install
- the product. Any questions that you might have about the
- installation process should be answered by the on-line help
- contained in the installation program.
- The install program will copy the driver to your system disk. In
- order to do so, you need 47 KByte empty disk space on your system
- disk. Additional programs can be saved to an empty floppy disk or
- hard disk and may not be saved to the system disk.
- ! Most likely floppy users must make space on their system disk in
- order to install the driver. This can be done by deleting unneeded
- programs using the Workbenchs 3.0 "Delete..." menu item.
- The installation program will do the job for you if you like.
- You will be asked before each file is deleted.
- Here is list of programs that might be deleted:
- Sys:Utilities/Clock (13 KByte)
- Sys:devs/printers/generic (1.5 KByte)
- Sys:system/nofastmem (1 KByte)
- Sys:c/Edit (15 KByte)
- Sys:c/Diskchange (0.5 KByte)
- Sys:c/Lock (0.5 KByte)
- Sys:c/Search (1.5 KByte)
- Sys:c/MagTape (1.5 KByte)
- Sys:c/Which (1.5 KByte)
- * Canon BJC800 and 4550 users should note, that these printers are
- single page printers. They don't support continuous form paper.
- Because of this the page length must be defined by the driver if
- it differs from the one set in the printer by SetupBJL. The
- driver can do this automaticly for you, in case you set the paper
- length in Workbench preferences to 250 lines. Don't forget to
- turn on "Enable Form" in the CanonBJECPref program! Select a
- paper type of "Wide Tractor" for printing on DIN A3 sized paper.
- * Select a paper type of Wide Tractor for printing on DIN A3 sized
- paper on BJ 230 or BJ330 printers.
- * Please note that each Canon driver uses it's own setting files.
- You may install several Canon drivers as long as they are
- different.
- * The installation program also installs a README file with the
- driver and CanonStudio covering the software in detail.
- * In case of problems with the software use the "Report" program
- described by the installed README file!
- * Canon BJC users: please note that printing 720 dpi or using the
- Photo Ink cartridge usualy requires major changes to the drivers
- color adjustments. Use the CanonBJECPref menu presets for
- adjusting the driver color if you don't want to do it yourself.
- Note that the Canon BJC will only print 720 graphics in BJC mode
- (extended emulation). For best image dumps on the Amiga use
- CanonStudio's CMS for printing 720dpi (only available to
- registered users).
- If you experience strong stripes/banding of 1mm height in your BJC
- 610 and 620 output: make sure you run the print head alignment
- test as described in the BJC manual. Also make sure the print
- head is ok. Perform a printer nozzles test as described in the
- manual and clean the print head several times. In some cases it
- can help to print 20-30 fully colored pages if the print head was
- new. The stripes are not caused by the printer driver. However,
- your print mode, dither method and paper used are important.
- Don't try to print high resolution on bad paper. You rather get
- worse results compared to 360 dpi dumps. If you do experience 1mm
- height stripes, try switching the dither method. The BJC often
- prints less horizontal stripes when using an error diffusion
- (Floyd, Stucki,...) or Blue Noise dither method. However this
- might slow down your printing speed .
- * Canon BJC 4xxx users: please note that printing 720*360 dpi
- using the CanonBJ-EC Workbench driver requires major color
- adjustments. Use the CanonBJECPref menu presets for adjusting the
- driver for 720dpi support. Note that the Canon BJC 4xxx will only
- print 720*360dpi graphics in BJC mode (extended emulation).
- For best image dumps on the Amiga use CanonStudio's CMS for
- printing 720*360dpi (only available to registered users).
- * IMPORTANT! Canon BJC 150 users: the Canon BJC 150 printer
- doesn't offer any text support. Because of this, the current
- driver version requires an application that prints text using the
- drivers graphic mode. Most major applications (Final Copy, Final
- Writer, WordWorth, PageStream, Professional Page...) do offer this
- feature by default and the Canon BJC 150 can be used without any
- drawbacks on the Amiga. In order to make text only applications
- printing on the BJC 150, we are working on a new driver. This
- driver will be able to print text using any Amiga font. However,
- this is a complex task and will require several driver updates to
- come until the support for all Amiga text style commands is
- complete.
- So please, watch the Canon internet sites, CompuServe AmigaUser
- forum library, Internet (Canon's WWW sites or AmiNet text/print)
- and Canon BBS's for updates to the Canon driver as major updates
- are ahead.
- * Canon BJC 210, 240, 250 (= BJC 2xx) users should carefully
- note following limitations:
- 1. The Canon BJC 2xx can't print color graphics and text on the
- same page. The printer can only print color in the Extended
- Emulation set using CanonBJECPref's "Emul" gadget. See the
- readme file for the limitations of the Extended emulation.
- 2. Any try to print color graphics with the drivers Epson
- emulations will result in a bad greyscale output. Don't try it.
- 3. In order to help you switching, CanonBJECPref offers a preset
- menu for both, the BC 02 and BC05 cartridge. Using the presets,
- CanonBJECPref will be setup to the wanted emulation and the colors
- of the output are adjusted accordingly (for normal NeuSielder
- ColorCopy xerox paper).
- 4. Note: after installing a PageStream 2.x driver, select the
- CanonBJC800 driver from PageStream. The CanonBJC800 driver is
- compatible with the BJC 2xx and thus there is no BJC2xx driver
- necessary.
- * This note seems necessary as I got several user letters
- reporting problems after not following this install instruction:
- Users of the new BJC 210, 240, 250, 4100, 4200, 4300, 4550, 4650
- should run the SetupBJL program once after installation. This
- makes sure the printer is set to the proper emulation and possible
- bad characters at the start of the page are avoided.
- * User of the Photo Ink cartridges should be aware, that the
- CanonBJ-EC driver only offers Photo Ink when using the Extended
- emulation and the print mode was set to "Photo Ink". Also, if you
- do use Photo Ink, I strongly recommend registering CanonStudio as
- only CanonStudio offers a complex color correction able to give
- you Photo like quality advertised (by the time of this writing,
- CanonStudio's Photo Ink output is even better of better quality
- than those of the Windows 95 driver!!!)
- * Users that do have to switch print cartridges manualy, should be
- aware of problems caused by bad treatment of the print cartridge.
- For instance, users switching between the normal ink cartridge and
- the photo ink cartridge should take great care in storing their
- cartridges. Especialy the Photo Ink cartridge is easily damaged
- when touching the cartridges print head. If you do want to seal
- it, use the tape that came with the cartridge (if you don't have a
- real container). Try avoiding the (usualy orange) plastic shield
- that covered the new print head without taping the print head
- first.
- Important: use SetupBJL to clean the print head after changing
- it!!! Otherwise your output might have bad colors (to say at
- least).
- After successfully running the Install program, try printing from
- the application with which you normally print. In most cases you
- should straight away notice major improvements in speed and
- quality, but you can do much better once you have adjusted all the
- settings of the driver to match your environment. The
- installation program is unable to adjust all the driver settings
- for your printer because every printer, paper and ink is
- different. It is your task now to use your experience with your
- software and printer to further adjust the settings made by the
- Install program. This will result in further improvements in
- output quality.
- Please share your printing experiences with other Canon users by
- sending your settings to Wolf Faust. This will allow future
- enhancements of CanonDisk. You can easily print your settings
- using the Report program mentioned in the error chapter. Please
- don't forget to mention the name of your printer, and the type of
- paper you are using.
- ******************************************************************
- CanonStudio
- ===========
- Beside the free and fully functional Canon printer drivers, this
- disk contains a LIMITED VERSION of CanonStudio. You can use it
- for printing pictures. Though, many functions have been disabled
- forcing you to register and get the latest full featured version.
- This program is included as free offer to all Canon users and is
- not part of the main Canon drivers. Canon is not responsibel for
- any support, update or warranty regarding CanonStudio.
- CanonStudio is especialy recommended to all users using the Photo
- Ink cartridge of the new Canon printers. Note that only the
- registered CanonStudio offers you real Photo Ink output.
- In case you use CanonStudio register the program or this product
- will most likely not be supported in the future (programs do cost
- more than time to develop). Also, your shareware fee is my
- motivation for enhancements. If you like, you may also buy the
- commercial "Studio" printer software from your Amiga dealer
- instead of registering CanonStudio. Studio does additionaly offer
- you a nice printed manual, driver support and drivers for various
- non-Canon printers. But as far as the Canon software is
- concerned, Studio doesn't offer you more software.
- Registered users get an update service and an unlimited
- CanonStudio version for all orig. Canon drivers.
- CanonStudio can also be ordered as CDROM version (default is
- floppy disk!). This allows us to ship additional software
- (currently: the PageStream V3 Universal graphi import filter,
- large images, the latest CanonDisks). The price of the CD ROM is
- equal to the disk version. So please note if you would prefer a
- CD ROM of CanonStudio. In case the CD ROM is available you will
- receive the CD ROM instead of the floppy disk version. The amount
- of CDROM's is limited and thus, I can't make any promises for
- shipping the CDROM instead of the floppy disk version.
- You can register CanonStudio from:
- Wolf Faust
- Am Dorfgarten 10
- 60435 Frankfurt
- Germany
- Internet: 100116.1070@compuserve.com
- CompuServe: 100116,1070
- Shipped inside German: DM 40
- Shipped inside Europe: DM 45
- Shipped worldwide: DM 50 or US$35 (see below!)
- Cash. For international cheques add US$15 to the amount above.
- No credit cards accepted.
- Or in England you may register and get updates at/from:
- HiSoft
- "CanonStudio Registration"
- The Old School, Greenfield
- Bedford MK45 5DE
- Shipped inside England: UK£20
- Shipped inside Europe: UK£21
- Shipped worldwide: UK£24
- Only cash or checks in UK£ drawn on a british bank accepted.
- Please add UK£5/DM 15 if you want the latest CanonDisk included
- with your CanonStudio. CanonStudio does not include Canon
- Workbench drivers.
- PLEASE, DO MAKE SURE THE AMOUNT IS RIGHT. In the past there were
- a huge amount of users not paying the proper amount when sending
- checks. Please note CanonStudio is non-profit and as I'm planning
- to ship printed CanonStudio manuals for registered users, there is
- no room left for cuts after paying the high german
- bank/postage/tax charges.
- Just to give you an example on how to order, try following letter:
- --------------------------------
- My Name - Address - Tel No.
- To Wolf Faust
- Am Dorfgarten 10
- D-60435 Frankfurt
- Germany
- Dear Wolf,
- I would like to order CanonStudio for my BJC xxxx. I DON'T want
- the CDROM Version. Enclosed find DM 45 for shipping inside
- Europe. As I do pay with international checks instead of cash, I
- do add DM 15.
- Bye.
- --------------------------------
- (Continue by pressing 'Q')